Which web design trends will take the web by storm over the next year? Our Envato experts give us their top trends to watch out for in 2021. By Kelsie RimmerPosted 12 Nov 2020

Web Design Trends 2021

Web design has come a long way in the last few years. The practice exists at the intersection of creativity and technology – two of the fastest moving industries in the world – so it’s no surprise that new web design trends and techniques are constantly emerging. So what are the latest trends in web design?

  1. Dark Mode
  2. Collage
  3. Anti-Design
  4. Minimalism
  5. Organic Design
  6. Illustration
  7. Functionality, Inclusivity & Accessibility
  8. Motion & Interactivity
  9. 3D & Geometric Design
  10. Page Builders & Template Kits

While there will always be certain aspects of web design that are here to stay – such as user-friendly navigation, data security, and fast load times – fads and fashions will continue to come and go. But keeping on top of the latest and greatest web design trends, styles and innovations, will ensure your website stands out in the ever-expanding online ecosystem. 

So, from dark mode to interactivity, which popular web design trends will take the web by storm over the next year? We asked our Envato experts what makes a great website in 2020, as well as their hot take on the latest and greatest web design trends to watch out for in 2021…. 

01. Dark mode

Apple Website
Dark Mode – Apple Homepage

For a long time in web design, a white background was considered the only way to create empty space on a website or app. While some designers began adding darker themes and elements several years ago, the Dark Mode trend really took hold of the industry in 2020, and we expect to see it continue into 2021.

What Is Dark Mode?

Clock Strikes Twelve
Dark Mode – Clock Strikes Twelve Homepage

Used by large brands like Apple, Hublot, and even for individual portfolios like Clock Strikes Twelve, dark mode is a great way to add a modern, elegant touch to any website. WordPress now also supports Dark mode for web designers. As well as allowing designers to play with more creative elements, such as pastels and neon – two of the big graphic design trends of 2020 – studies have also shown that dark mode is better for both our battery life and our vision by it reducing blue light exposure.

“There seems to be a shift towards more products that offer a dark mode setting, or are only dark driven, based on studies that reveal the impacts of glare and blue light exposure, and on our treasured battery life,” says Envato UI designer Sean Feehan. 

As well as being sleek, chic and easier on the eyes, dark mode is great for increasing contrast and making design elements more visible. You can even add a dark mode toggle to your website – as seen in these examples from Johny Vino, Koos Looijesteijn, and Adrian Verde Studio – to allow visitors to customize their experience.

Johny Vino - Dark Mode Toggle
Dark Mode Toggle – Johny Vino Homepage

“I think dark mode is definitely the trend that’s had the biggest impact on web design in 2020,” says Envato UX designer, Tahlia Giannopoulas. “Since Dark mode has become popular, I’ve seen several websites that have a small ‘Dark Mode’ toggle (switching between light and dark mode), which is a great yet simple way that a user can customise their experience.” 

While originally designed around exclusively white and light color schemes, more and more neuromorphic designs – a divisive UX style drawing on skeuomorphism and flat design that’s often seen in iOS or Android UI – also incorporate the dark mode trend, which has quickly overtaken lighter color themes in popularity. 

To cross over to the dark (mode) side, check out this Dashboard UI Concept Dark Theme by hoangpts, Finance Wallet Dark Mode UI Kit PP by angelbi88, and this Spate Ui Kit by sorrow on Envato Elements!