Hi! Let’s debate today about High Performance JS in V8, Android TalkBack and A Comprehensive Guide to Web Design. I’m Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the Frontend development.

1) https://bitsofco.de/localisation-and-translation/
This time we’ll start with a short article titled “Localisation and Translation on the Web”. Ire Aderinokun muses on different approaches that could be used for web pages localization. She refers to “lang”, “hreflang”, “translate” attributes and text direction.

2) https://codeburst.io/an-introduction-to-regular-expressions-regex-in-javascript-1d3559e7ac9a
I am not an expert at Regular expressions at all. If you’re just like me, then let me grab your attention to “An Introduction to Regular Expressions (Regex) In JavaScript” by Brandon Morelli. You can look through this article at Codeburst dot IO.

3) https://medium.com/@caspervonb/how-i-visualized-the-sorting-algorithms-and-brought-them-to-life-with-sound-ce7c5c6cb6ef
Casper Beyer conducted an experiment on Sorting Algorithms’ visualization and backed up the process of sorting with audio feedback. In his post you can read about his pitfalls during that experiment.

4) https://blog.sessionstack.com/how-javascript-works-a-comparison-with-webassembly-why-in-certain-cases-its-better-to-use-it-d80945172d79
Here is another informative article dedicated to JavaScript. Alexander Zlatkov has posted the next series of “How JavaScript works”. This writings covers WebAssembly and how it stacks against JavaScript in terms of performance. You can find it at Sessionstack blog.

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bZxs5J5n3M
Peter Marshall made a report “High Performance JS in V8”. This talk covers V8 new code-generation architecture, Ignition and Turbofan. In short, focus yourself on readability and let V8 optimize the code.

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zpzl4EKCco
Rob Dodson has released another episode of A11y cast. In this episode Rob talks about default Android accessibility tool named TalkBack.

7) https://blog.usejournal.com/of-svg-minification-and-gzip-21cd26a5d007
In “Of SVG, Minification and Gzip” Anton Khlynovskiy reasoned upon Gzip and Brotli and proposed a way how to write SVG with a better compression. Everyone knows, smaller files are downloaded faster.

8) https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/11/css-grid-supporting-browsers-without-grid/
Rachel Andrew posted an article, namely “Using CSS Grid: Supporting Browsers Without Grid”. In this article she adopted the approaches to dealing with browser support today. What are the practical things we can do to allow us to use new CSS now and still give a great experience to the browsers that don’t support it. You can read this post in Smashing Magazine.

9) https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/11/comprehensive-guide-web-design/
In his turn Nick Babich posted “A Comprehensive Guide to Web Design” in Smashing Magazine. There he focuses on the main principles, heuristics, and approaches to help create a great user experience.

10) https://www.leejamesrobinson.com/blog/loading-placeholder-with-sass/
“Creating a Loading Placeholder with Sass” by Lee Robinson is devoted to a Skeleton screens’ creation for the content that is going to appear on your page instead of loading spinners or progress bar. This short tutorial contains three simple steps describing how to incorporate such a Skeleton into your project.

If you like this video give it “thumbs up”. Thanks for watching and stay curious.

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